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Potential Sale Of The Golf Course

As of 31 July 2014 there is activity regarding the sale of the golf course. Stay tuned...

Since our first board meeting on 23 January 2014, it is our understanding that an undisclosed developer is interested in purchasing the golf course property and has begun collecting information to determine the possibility of making an offer. The “due diligence” process takes time in order to acquire all of the information necessary to make an offer. Legal descriptions, surveys, investigate all environmental issues, legal issues like taxes, mortgages, liens, availability of clear title, zoning and building codes for the development, lot sizes, etc. must be in place before an offer is made. The property was taken off the market at the end of November 2013 and we suspect that due diligence could have begun shortly thereafter.

Further details and information are limited at this time but we feel confident that what we have been told is reliable. We will keep you informed as additional information becomes available. The one thing the Board does NOT want to do is overreact when information comes our way but in this case, getting the word out is important. Charlie Madge, Russ Wood and I are on the golf course committee and will keep you informed.

We must emphasize to you the importance of increasing our membership. A large membership carries much more weight when dealing with investors and developers and especially the various City of Palm Bay departments like the Mayor, Planning, Zoning, Growth Management, the City Council, City Manager and the Legal Department. The last time a potential sale happened was in 2005-6 and we won! We had over 200 members actively supporting the community and when you factored in family members, a show of force of no less that 500-plus were involved. We must do that again!

We had a great Board meeting at the Knowledge Exchange on 23 January 2014. A number of residents showed up and participated. There was a free-flow of information along with open dialog between Board members and active members that was outstanding. Please be sure to attend the next meeting in March. Information will be posted on the website.

The new Board of Directors has been in place for three weeks and much has happened. Organizing internal processes and procedures, website updating, voting in new Board members, open Board meetings, a turnover between the prior Board and us, letters to our membership and developing various committees have taken place. We are in the process of setting in place a 2014 budget that will be shared with the membership shortly. This too will be placed on the website. For those without computers, hard copies will be mailed out. We need email addresses! Bulk mailings are expensive and as such, emails and the website will be our form of notification. Please… give us updated email addresses.

As the President, I know that the most important thing this Board can do at this time is to build confidence with its membership. We need to prove to you that you have a Board of Directors who cares for you and will look out for your best interest. Please give us a chance to show you just how committed we are. Join our team and get involved. Having us as your voice can and will pay dividends.


Charlie Glentz


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