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There was a break-in on Champions Drive on the night of 31 July 2014. A vehicle was broken in to and a GPS was taken. The gatage door was found to be open when the home owners woke up. The vehicle was not locked at the time of the theft. Please learn from this. Lock your possessions so that it makes it difficuly to get at. Steve Huss has volunteered to assess homes for security purposes. Call him at 321.431.6781. He is a retired Palm Bay police officer.




Charlie Glentz, President


Palm Bay Police has been faced with continual response to calls reference vehicle burglaries in the last few weeks. In an effort to deter the criminals and gain control of the situation; the following list has been put together for your benefit.


Lock it up. This is a crime of opportunity. It may seem obvious, but locking your vehicle can be a major deterrent to burglary. 


Take your valuables with you. Valuables left inside a vehicle in plain sight serve as an open invitation to burglars. Avoid leaving valuables or belongings unattended in your vehicle. If you’re unable to take all of your belongings with you, lock them in a glove compartment, trunk or somewhere unseen through the windows of the vehicle.


Don't leave clues behind. Holders for gadgets such as GPS means there is one inside, so store it away or take it with you; as well as the valuable electronic that goes along with it (iPod, cell phone etc.).


Roll up windows and close sunroofs. In addition to the obvious this practice allows for the sensors in your security system to be more apt to be activated during a burglary attempt.


Get an alarm. Always activate the alarm to your vehicle when walking away from it. Use visible and audible anti-theft devices to deter potential thieves. These include alarms with loud sirens; window decals informing others that your car is equipped with anti-theft devices and steering wheel locking mechanisms .These items alert a thief that stealing or burglarizing your car will be very difficult.


Be sure to check the PMCCA News section for updated information on Neighborhood Watch activities and reports.





Palm Bay Police Department

130 Malabar Road, S.E., Palm Bay, FL 32907

24 HR (321) 952-3456


“Building Partnerships for a Safer Community”

PMCCCA Neighborhood Watch

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