Update coming soon!
Russ Wood, President
- Owner and Broker Location Real Estate LLC for 25 years.
- Married 42 years to Judy.
- Two married sons and five grandkids and from a former marriage two married sons and grandkids.
- Member of Calvary Chapel in Melbourne.
- Volunteer Board of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
- Little League coach for 12 years.
Home Phone: 321.951.9999
Email: rwood56@cfl.rr.com
Charlie Madge, Special Advisor
- Distinguished Chemical Engineer at Purdue.
- Director of Fortune 500 Company responsible for 22 World-Wide Plants.
- President of Design Construction Company an Holder of several patents.
- Management Consultant and expert on development requirements in Palm Bay.
- Past President of PMCCCA and currently a Special Advisor.
- Korea Veteran with Bronze Star for Outstanding Performance as a Combat Engineer.
- Secretary to the Union Carbide Worldwide Product Planning Team.
- Moved away a few months ago but was a resident for thirty years, three months, 11 days, three hours.
Home Phone: 321.247.5017
Email: cmadge1@aol.com
Sam Tully, Director
- Served been a senior administrator in school districts, colleges and universities.
- Retired in 2001 Chief Technology Officer for the State of WV.
- Owned two successful businesses.
- Play golf to a 45 handicap.
- PMCC Resident for seven years.
Home Phone: 321.837.8893
Email: samt5670@aol.com
Bob Robidoux, Director
- Is currently an Economics Instructor at Heritage High School.
- Received a BA in Psychology and MBA from Florida Tech.
- Has been a member of Saint Joseph Catholic Church for 22 years.
- Has been a resident of PMCC area for 8 years.
Home Phone: 321.722.9509
Email: robidoux01@aol.com

​Port Malabar Country Club Community Association

PMCCCA will hold it’s annual election of officers on 12/6 @ 6pm at the Pt. Malabar Community Center (Turkey Creek) Please attend and vote. You will also be able to renew your
membership ($25 annual)
PMCCCA Holiday Dance will be on 12/7 @ 7pm at the Melbourne Auditorium . It is a Big Band/ dance and offers BYOB. Call Russ Wood 321-723-5858 to reserve a place. Cost is
$7 each in advance or $10 at the door. We hope you can make it.
Russ Wood President PMCCCA
Dear Neighbors,
We recommend 4C’S nursery for landscaping your back yard instead of using a fence. They have fast growing shrubs that will nicely separate you
and your new neighbor. 4C’s has worked with PMCCCA for 12 years in planting and grooming the trees and shrubs along Port Malabar. The Crepe
Myrtles and Bottle Brush trees were at their suggestion.Mick Crews is the contact at 321-729-0351.
Russell D. Wood
President PMCCCA
Attention Neighbors and Members
We wish to thank Logan Stark of Wolf Pack Design for all his work bringing our web site current. This has been a long overdue project and we have looked long and hard to find a solution. Most of Logan's work has been donated and we would highly recommend him to any of you wanting a new or updated web site. Logan can also assist with other computer issues and is available at 213-910-3339. Give him a shot, you will be pleased.
Russell D. Wood
President PMCCCA
Update 13-September-2018
Hello friends, neighbors, and members
We are nearing the beginning of new home construction in our back yards. It has been a long fought battle to defeat this happening and we appreciate your support and efforts to stop this development. Many of you donated separately to our legal fund to pay for our Lawyers. A special THANK YOU to this group. After all was said and done the only major hurdle we could not defeat is the fact our course was always Zoned RESIDENTIAL. Unknown to us it seems 20+ years ago zoning was passed stating, “if the course ever fails the zoning will be changed to Residential development.”
We (our Board of Directors) and myself feel it is important to keep our Association going. We need to keep tabs on the developers and new home owners (association) to be sure all our requests are adhered to. We have an agreement not allowing 2 story homes fronting our homes, elimination of drainage problems, minimum sq. footage of homes to be constructed, etc... Our list has 21 items in our favor.
We also would like to continue our membership gatherings. We have hosted a Holiday Ball the past few years at the Melbourne Auditorium with some success. A suggestion as another “community garage sale” would be considered. Also an association picnic sometime in the Summer would be a good idea.
Your ANNUAL membership dues are a mere $25 and I have listed a membership application below for your convenience. We time the renewals for each December. These fees are used for Median upkeep (City will not be responsible for all our trees, shrubs, and flowering plants). Also our Association needs Liability coverage ($650 annually) and postage, letters, and envelopes for mail outs.
Our annual election will be 12/6 at 6PM.. held at the Pt. Malabar Community Center on Pt. Malabar Rd. Please mark on your calendars and make an effort to attend. We are looking for new Board of Directors members as well as Officers.
Best regards and Thank you for your support. Our Volunteer commitment is not easy, but very necessary. We hope to see you all 12/6.
Russell D. Wood
President PMCCCA
Click Here For Application Form
The following is an Arsenic testing update 22-July-2016
Arsenic testing status report results from FDEP-July 21, 2016
We've just received a six page very detailed report from FDEP to Spira. Summary comments are listed below. Basically, the maintenance area cleanup has been approved but twenty areas where homes are planned must still be retested, additional tests conducted and/or additional material removed or mixed to meet the 2.1 mg/kg standard required for residential development. Additional sampling must be initiated 30 days from receipt of this letter.
Sample 10-2N 2’ showed 2.87 mg/kg
Sample 10-2E 2’ showed 8.25 mg/kg
Sample 10-2s 2’ showed 4.86 mg/kg
Sample 10-1W-6”-1 showed 2.32 mg/kg
Sample 45-16”-1’ showed 2.92 mg/kg
Sample 49-1N 6”-1’ showed 10.9 mg/kg
Sample E 6”-1’ showed 4.69 mg/kg
Sample S 6”-1’ showed 4.09 mg/kg
Sample 49-1W 6”-1’ showed 3.64 mg/kg
Sample 50-1W 6’-1’ showed 3.12 mg/kg
Sample 79E/S 0-6” showed 4.6 mg/kg
Sample 79E2 2’ showed 2.52 mg/kg
Sample 88N2-2’ showed 5.26 mg/kg
Sample88C2 2’ showed 3.31 mg/kg
Sample 171N-2 2’ showed 8.03 mg/kg
Sample H17TS-2 2’ showed 4.46 mg/kg
Sample H17T1W 6’-1’ showed 2.21 mg/kg
Sample H18T1N 6”-1’ showed 2.42 mg/kg
Sample H18TS/S2 2’ showed 2.83 mg/kg
Sample H18T1W 6’-1 showed 2.88 mg/kg
22-January update
I just finished talking with Spira and a brief summary follows...
They have used equipment to mix contaminated areas together to pass the FDEP requirements. Some tests passed and a few failed so FDEP is requiring them to do it again and retest. They are going to dig up and haul away the bad maintenance area contamination, probably next week.
Drainage to prevent flooding
After SJRWMD approves the required changes, PBG will first make all of the corrections needed before development construction begins. This will prevent flooding during construction. Then they will correct the weir restrictions behind 1439 Country Club Dr and level out the mess in the fairway along Waialae Circle.
Construction could start late in the first quarter if FDEP and SJRWMD approves the latest changes. If delayed, some flooding corrections will be done before the hurricane season arrives in June.
Thank you for reading.
**The annual PMCCCA meeting will be held on Monday evening, 07-December. This meeting will be from 07:00 - 09:00 pm, and will be held in the Knowledge Exchange Center (5151 Babcock Street)**
Our Special Advisor to the PMCCCA Board. It includes some of his extensive research and insight on Arsenic and Palm Bay Greens...
Arsenic Status and Recommendations
I have spent many hours researching all aspects of Arsenic that I could find on the Internet or talking with managers of environmental government departments, universities or national golf organizations. It is our current opinion that the amount of Arsenic found in the soil/water does exceed the state regulations but FDEP is requiring PBG LLC to re-mediate the property to known very safe levels. PMCCCA residents should feel very safe.
Since Arsenic kills weeds, how can much be present on or near the surface because weeds are everywhere including the rough? Since Arsenic is a pesticide, how can much be present in the soil or water with no evidence of dead birds, animals, fish or turtles?
Since the Arsenic is mostly below the surface, dust from truck traffic probably will not have any arsenic in it and it takes a long term exposure to even be a problem.
Since the type of Arsenic contamination is the organic variety, not the dangerous copper inorganic type used to treat lumber, the possible danger seems minimized.
I have been unable to find any information that shows that the use of Arsenic on golf courses has caused cancer or is likely to cause cancer unless contaminated soil is actually swallowed, dust is breathed or water or soil gets on the skin in large quantities or a long period of time.
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) looks after information for all states.
The Florida Department Environmental Protection (FDEP) is legally responsible for setting the restrictions and assuring that the maximum of 2.1 ppm for residential property is met. They control the remedial programs to make any residential site have less than the maximum permitted. They assure that retesting is done after remediation is completed and then issue a signed document giving permission to build on the property. The University of Florida and the FDEP have worked together to conduct and reported on all aspects of Arsenic problems with a Bibliography of hundreds of sources of studies including feeding studies involving monkeys, rats and hamsters. They were fed a lot over a long period of time.
The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) is responsible for investigation only of the dangers of Arsenic contaminated areas. I contacted FDOH and they agreed to review CCLE development site data to evaluate whether adequate sampling was done, to determine and report the Health Risks of the re-mediated property concerning soil, dust and water.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) has provided a ten page Public Health Statement for Arsenic which tells about Arsenic and the effects of exposure to it.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) provided a ten page report about arsenic from cancer.org
The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) was contacted.
The United States Golf Association (USGA) was contacted.
The United States of Greens Superintendent Association of America was contacted.
The University Of Rutgers Turf Management Department was contacted.
University of Florida was contacted. (Original source of Arsenic use on 1086 courses).
The Internet provided many sources of information for the Ponce Deleon Golf Course, its shut- down, remediation and conversion to developed property.
A Dunn Lumber Mill in Deland, FL was successfully re-mediated to safely remove Arsenic.
The Foxfire Golf Course in Sarasota was shut down to be converted to residential property. The ASTDR provided a 58 page detailed Health Consultation report of the testing and results.
The Sable Point Golf Course was shut down, tested and is being converted to home sites.
The Illinois Dept. of Public Health provided a report detailed report of the successful, certified remediation of the Orchard Hills Golf Course and conversion to soccer fields.
The U.S. Dept. Of Health and Human Services provided a detailed Health Consultation of the former Eastwood Golf Course in Fort Meyers and concluded that “no illnesses are likely from incidental ingestion of Arsenic in soil or sediment or surface water”.
The Michigan Dept. of Community Health provided a detailed Certified Report under a cooperative agreement with the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the site for the former Miro Golf Course in Michigan.
The ATSDR provided a detailed ten page report on “Public Health Statement for Arsenic”.
The Westwood Country Club in Buffalo, NY was tested during development approval procedures and high levels of Arsenic require the removal of soil to an approved landfill or covered with a cap of dirt like PBG LLC originally did in the maintenance area.
Explanation of actions made by the PMCCCA Board and reasons to join PMCCCA for 2016.
It was obvious from several personal comments to board members after the November City Council meeting that many residents wanted to just stop the development. The Board did a lot of research trying to figure out how to stop the development, also. It was very obvious that some type of development was going to happen since all that was necessary was for PBG LLC to satisfy all legal requirements. Hours were spent with David Watkins and Patrick Murphy, Land Development Managers, to get their advice and input since their Staff Report recommendations are almost always accepted by both Planning and Zoning and the City Council. Conditions to be satisfied before final agreement always are included. They always advised that the City Council most likely would approve some type of development which met all legal issues.
Mr. Spira met with Russ Wood, Charlie Glentz and Charlie Madge in July 2014. We had our list of 21 specific issues that needed to be addressed. They were the same issues that were used to convince the City Council to deny the application in September 2006. He stated that every issue would be corrected and our input was asked for any desirable changes. The goal was to avoid the previous expensive legal mess by negotiating mutual agreements and not have PMCCCA attempting to kill the project at any cost.
Many emails were exchanged, commitments made in writing by both sides, Mr. Spira conducted two Citizen Participation meetings required by law for developments this large, he met with our board and provided copies of information that was submitted to the City for site plans, arsenic remediation, storm water control, Covenants and Declarations, CCLEHOA By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation.
In our judgment, PMCCCA obtained the following benefits through constant, strong negotiations.
Initially, a plat plan was proposed for 116 lots with a size of 75 feet by 120 feet. (9000 square feet versus the 8000 square feet required for RS-1. This was to include a ten foot buffer zone. RS-1 requires a minimum of 1600 square feet but it was finally agreed to have a minimum of 1800 square feet on lots varying in size from 80 x 120-123 (9840 square feet) with several areas much deeper. The City code for at least eight feet of side setback and twenty-five feet setbacks on the front, back and corner lots would be met.
A Tree Survey was conducted which resulted in reducing the number of lots to 101 to save many Specimen Oaks and provide more open space. Stormwater Retention Ponds were changed to save even more trees.
Mr. Spira accepted Mr. Madge’s suggestion that PBG LLC buy a lot on Riviera by Malabar Lakes west retention pond to provide a second entrance to the development as a construction traffic entrance for Phase I and II and to keep all construction traffic off Country Club Drive. In addition, no construction traffic or future development traffic would be permitted on the old maintenance entrance road and drainage R.O.W. off Meadowbrook.
Another entrance off Riviera north of Bimini Bay is possible on land owned by PBG LLC but it will not be used for construction traffic.
About $200,000 will be spent for beautification of the entrances and on Country Club Drive. Consideration will be given to having a Historical Plaque honoring the fifty year old Port Malabar Country Club.
A Traffic Study was conducted with a recommendation that a left turn lane from Port Malabar Blvd. to Country Club Drive be provided and at total build-out Port Malabar would need to be widened from Babcock to Riviera.
An Environmental Study was completed with no legal issues involved for endangendered birds, animals, fish or turtles.
No two story homes can be built on any lots facing our residential lots.
Use of CCLE recreational facilities will be negotiated considering how many PMCCCA residents would be willing to pay a fee for the right to use the pool or other facilities.
PMCCCA would have a seat on the CCLEHOA Board and the Architectural Board.
Arsenic removal will be approved before any construction starts.
SJRWMD must approve all drainage systems before construction starts.
No water will be allowed to drain from the development onto any surrounding lots.
Best regards,
Charlie Madge
Hi Folks,
Just a friendly reminder that we have a Planning and Zoning meeting coming up on 07-October, and a City Council meeting on 05-November. Both meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers @120 Malabar Road, and will be starting @17:00. It is very important that we all attend both meetings, as Palm Bay Greens will be requesting final subdivision approval for their 101 lot development.
Hi Folks,
A great time was had by all who attended the April Showers Ball on the 17th of April. We had such a good time we plan on having another on 22 May 2015 at 7 PM. It will be held at the Melbourne Auditorium at 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. The band is fantastic. the singing out of this world and talk about dancing; everyone was on the dance floor!
The event is a BYOB and you can bring your own snacks. We will reserve tables in the name of PMCCCA.
We are offering the same deal for those who want to attend. Current members attend free and those who are not members can join the Associate for $30.00 and we will provide the ticket to the event free of charge. You can't beat it. RSVP - RSVP - RSVP not later than Friday, 15 May 2015. We need to know how many ticket to purchase. Call Penny Glentz at 321-327-5261 and reserve a seat. We'll bring applications and provide the pens. It's easy. Please do attend. You can also send in a check payable to PMCCCA, P.O. Box 61304 Palm Bay Fl. 32906 for $30.00. What a great way to stay current on golf course issues.
See you there!!!
Russ Wood
President, PMCCCA
Dear neighbors of PMCC,
By now I'm sure you are aware of the development about to happen in our back yards. We have tried over the years to stop the project, but I'm afraid our options have ran out at this point. We have accomplished much with an agreement made giving us 21 items in our favor, by the golf course owners. We are watching closely to be sure they are all honored.
We still have much to do, however and want to continue our membership drive asking you to renew. The fee has been reduced to $30 now for the balance of 2015. Money collected will be used to continue median upkeep with additional flowering trees and shrubs, emergency legal fees (if needed), Board of Directors Liability Insurance, mail box fees, stamps and mail out costs as well as other necessary costs.
One final thought. We, as Association leaders, have agreed to organize a "Members Appreciation Night" which will allow you a ticket, (with payment of your membership) on April 17th at 7p.m.. It is called the 'April Showers Ball' and held at the Melbourne Auditorium, 623 E Hibiscus Blvd. The dance offers Snacks, soft drinks for sale and allows BYOB. Please RSVP to Penny Glentz 327-5261 for your tickets. We will reserve a couple tables for PMCCCA members. This is a Big Band(20 piece) Swingtime Dance and should be a great time. I hope you can all make it.
We look forward to serving our Community, as volunteers. for the next term of very important issues. Remember we are still "looking out for the folks" of PMCC.
Best regards,
Russell D. Wood
To show our appreciation to our members and at the Association's expense, we want to extend an invitation to the April Showers Ball. The date is 17 April at 7:00 PM and will be held at the Melbourne Auditorium. So, dust off your dancing shoes and join us! It is permissible to BYOB and if you prefer, you can bring snacks of your choosing.
We must reserve tables so it is important to RSVP not later than 10 April 2015. The earlier the better. Please contact Penny Glentz, Treasure, at 321-327-5261 or penup11@yahoo.com.
See you there!
Dear Members,
Much has happened over the past few weeks. The two meetings with Mr. Spira, the Planning and Zoning meeting and the City Council meeting has resulted in our membership having a clearer understanding of the proposed development. It goes without saying that we do not want the land developed and homes built in our backyard. Many of us have enjoyed the rear view for years and shutter to think that it's going away.
The Board's two pronged approach has been successful in that while we have not found reasons to stop the development at this point, importantly, we have been able to extract no less than 20 consessions from the investors that ultimately will benefit us all.
In the city council meeting on 19 March 2015, the investors have taken the position that if the development is not approved, they will no longer recognize the hard-faught concessions we have and will not mow the course 4 times a year but mow the golf course according to the agreement they currently have with the City. Ladies and gentlemen, that's a 25-foot cut around the perimeter and a complete cut once a year. That would be a disaster (but legal). There is a long road ahead of us and if the development goes forward, your Board of Directors must monitor everything being done. We must make certain that all of the conditions are met. Folks, our work is just beginning!
Please remain positive and focused. Give us your thoughts and suggestions and remember, your Board of Directors is available 24/7. Lets remain the cohesive group we are and support the Board's efforts. Everything we do we do is for you! Talk to your neighbors and get them to join the association. It's only $50.00 a year. We need more member!!!
A sad note; Charlie Glentz was finding it extremely difficult to balance his time between his company and the Board. He felt that he was doing his community an injustice by not giving 100-percent to our residents and reluctantly, stepped aside. He handed the gavel to Russ Wood. Charlie will stay engaged in community affairs but at a lesser pace. He invites you to visit his company's website at www.aventechinc.com. You'll enjoy it.
Russ Wood is now your President. With more than 10 years supporting PMCCCA as President and VP, he has committed himself to supporting our community. You see him on Port Malabar Blvd. pulling weeds. laying mulch and adding color to the median. Please give him your support and best wishes. He works hard for our community and deserves recognition.
Due to some of our board members redirecting their energies in other directions, there will be a realignment of board members. The changes will be announced shortly. The Board would like to encourage it's members to step forward and volunteer their services and join the Board of Directors. We welcome new Board members.
As a foot note, your PMCCCA Board of Directors represents it's membership only. We do not speak for residents or HOA's outside our community but they do benefit.
Please stay in touch!
The Board
General Meeting: 04Dec 2014, 7-9:00 PM Country Club Vista club house. Individuals interested in running for the Board should submit their names and the positions they wish to run for. The PMCCCA Board of Directors will furnish candidates with all relevant information needed. Everyone should attend and vote!
The Port Malabar Country Club Community established the Port Malabar Country Club Community Association (PMCCCA) in 2003. Membership in PMCCCA is voluntary and carries with it representation from a highly skilled and professional Board of Directors elected by the membership.
PMCCCA was organized in 2004 to address issues such as neighborhood watch, welcoming new members, beautification of the community, and communication among homeowners.
The PMCCCA continues to work with the golf course owners to extend their mandatory mowing to include two additional mowings per year. These additional mowings are paid by donations from community members.
PMCCCA works to keep the community abreast of issues relating to the development of the golf course and to keep members informed of any matters important to the community.
We ask that you please consider becoming a member of PMCCCA